Invest in the Kingdom
At Central Baptist Church we believe giving is an act of worship. Your support allows Central to continue to share the good news and reach people for Jesus. If God has laid it on your heart to give, we ask that you respond with joy and together we will continue to grow God’s Kingdom.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
~ Matthew 6:21
Online Giving
Online giving is easy and secure through our giving platform, Pushpay. We encourage you to click the button below to give your tithes and offerings today!
You can log in or create an account or give without one. If you feel led to give, you an do so by using the button below.

Text Giving
You can now give through texting at Central! Simply text keyword “Give” to 833-905-4632.
Text giving is never charged to your phone bill and your phone number is safe with us. So don’t worry about bringing your checkbook to church. Try text giving today!
* When using text giving, a portion of your gift is used to cover transaction fees. If you desire to give without fees, please consider using BillPay or offering envelopes.
Offering Envelope
Offering envelopes are provided in the back of the chairs and at the offering stations in the Worship Center foyer.
You can mail your offering into the church office or drop it by the church anytime during the week. If you would like to receive monthly personalized envelopes by mail, please contact Denise Jackson in the church office or email her at [email protected]
Please make sure to indicate on the envelope if you are giving to the general budget fund or a designated offering (i.e. missions). This ensures your gifts are posted to the correct fund.
* No transaction fees occur when using this giving method.
Online Bill Pay
You can give your tithes and offerings like you would with any of your bills through Online Bill Pay. Through your financial institution, select Central Baptist Church (5811 Central Church Road, Douglasville, GA 30135) as one of your payment options. In the memo section, you can even specify if a portion of your contribution goes to other areas beyond the General Budget (i.e. missions). If you have any questions about using this option, please contact Denise Jackson at [email protected].
* No transaction fees occur when using this giving method.
Non-traditional Giving
We have provided others ways to give at Central besides the options listed above. Check out the list below and see if these giving opportunities are a better fit for you.
Gifts in Kind
For more information about giving non-traditional gifts, such as vehicles, jewelry, stocks, bonds, etc, please contact our financial secretary, Denise Jackson at [email protected]
Kroger Community Rewards
Did you know by shopping at Kroger that our church can receive additional funds? Use this link ( to sign up! It’s that simple!