Welcome to Central Baptist Church
Let's Connect!
We are so thankful for the capabilities of technology and the way that it allows for us to stay in communication. We would love the opportunity to connect with you and let you know all that is going on here at Central. To do this click on the image and you will be navigated to a quick questionnaire.
Invest in the Kingdom
At Central Baptist Church we believe giving is an act of worship. Your support allows Central to continue to share the good news and reach people for Jesus. If God has laid it on your heart to give, we ask that you respond with joy and together we will continue to grow God’s Kingdom.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
~ Matthew 6:21
What time are your worship services?
What should I wear?
Will I be singled out?
If you are a guest, we provide an opportunity to complete our Connect Card. This lets us know you worshipped with us, as well as allow you to share any prayer requests you may have. You can place this in the offering plate during our worship service or bring it yourself to our Welcome Center in the Lobby. All Connect Cards brought to our Welcome Center will receive a free gift. It’s our way of saying thanks for worshipping with us that day!
What entrance should I use?
Do you offer Bible study or Sunday School?
What about my children?
What if I have a question that is not listed?
What are your beliefs?
What We Believe
Central Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and affirms The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. While our location has changed over our 100+ years of existence, our message and doctrine have not.